Japan Hit by Massive 7.5 Magnitude Earthquake: Tsunami Warnings Issued as Seismic Events Unfold

In a significant seismic event in Japan, a powerful 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck Japan’s Noto region in Ishikawa prefecture, triggering a series of subsequent tremors and tsunami warnings along the coast. With its epicenter recorded at approximately 4:10 pm local time, the earthquake has prompted urgent evacuation orders as authorities prepare for potentially hazardous tsunami waves.

Japan earthquake

Videos circulating on social media depict the initial waves of the tsunami hitting Toyama City in Toyama Prefecture. It’s important to note that the authenticity of these videos could not be independently verified by NDTV.

The Japan Meteorological Agency reported waves reaching a height of 1.2 meters at Wajima port in Ishikawa prefecture. This follows the 7.5 magnitude earthquake recorded by the US Geological Survey (USGS) and other agencies just over 10 minutes earlier.

According to the USGS, the seismic activity in the Noto region unfolded rapidly. It began with a 5.7 magnitude tremor at 4:06 pm, followed by a staggering 7.6-magnitude quake at 4:10 pm, marking the epicenter of the unfolding crisis. The sequence continued with a 6.1 magnitude quake at 4:18 pm, a 4.5 magnitude tremor at 4:23 pm, a 4.6 magnitude quake at 4:29 pm, and a 4.8 magnitude quake at 4:32 pm.

The Met Office reported a total of 21 quakes above 4.0 magnitude, emphasizing the widespread impact of the seismic events. The earthquake, with a recorded seismic intensity of 7 on the Japanese scale, has led to power outages for over 36,000 houses. At the same time, major highways near the epicenter have been closed by the Traffic Authority. As the situation unfolds, continuous updates and adherence to evacuation orders are crucial for the safety of residents in the affected areas.


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